Thursday, August 27, 2020

Does Karl Marx's account of the workings of the market economy help us Essay

Does Karl Marx's record of the functions of the market economy help us tounderstand the causes and likely results of the present worldwide financial emergency - Essay Example s school, British artistic pundit Frederic Jameson, and German humanist Max Weber all have investigated and introduced Marxist viewpoints in their fields. Marx’s enduring impact has guaranteed his enduring spot in the optimisms of individuals across existence. Even with the current money related emergency, individuals in Germany have gone to Karl Marx for direction (Connolly). This is reasonable, given the generally held thought that free enterprise private enterprise, the subject of so much Marxist bitterness, is the reprobate and driving force of the emergency. Subsequently, it appears that crafted by Marx and other Leftist scholars may have some importance in making an enduring answer for the issue. As Machiavelli broadly stated, â€Å"For the incredible larger part of humanity are happy with appearances, just as they were real factors, and are all the more frequently affected by the things that appear than by those that are† (Hacker 179). As instructed residents, we should resolve not to be happy with the trivialities of the appearances, and look for the real world. Investigating Marxist hypothesis and its effect permits us to comprehend what is past simple appearance. From the given realities of reality we can determine a standardizing solution for the world to follow: steps that include tuning in to the words endless in their insight. Karl Marx, as implied previously, left an enduring effect on numerous fields; of these maybe the human science of work specifically felt the biggest impact. He represented the on a very basic level political connection among boss and representative, just as the materiality of class strife. This investigation stays essential in the sociological assessment of work. Marx pushed forward the possibility of a sociological way to deal with work, which he delimited the extension â€Å"to the humanism of the factory†. Marx’s investigation gave the establishment of the connection among home and work. Alongside this came a depiction of abuse regardless of class (Grint 95). In spite of the fact that the essence of Marxist hypothesis has been

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business organisation and policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business association and strategy - Essay Example ............................................. 6 5. Conversation of Merger Seeking...................................................................... 7 6. Conclusion..................................................................................................... 9 References/Bibliography Business association and strategy 1. Acquaintance Many organizations endeavor with improve their income stream or keep up a higher upper hand through the way toward gaining or converging with other effective organizations. Companies accept that they can increase an impressive development potential, improve generally speaking assistance conveyance or produce better and increasingly inventive items by uniting gifts that exist inside the business being obtained and in the midst of the new business element gained. In any case, many board individuals and officials at these organizations don't completely comprehend the real factors of what influences effective procurement and merger reasoning, with t he vast majority of these determined by the outer commercial center and outside partners. So as to comprehend what causes disappointments in consolidating and securing different firms, it is important to investigate genuine case narratives of two unique organizations with drastically extraordinary achievement and disappointment results after merger. Air France converged with KLM and found an impressive development potential and cooperative energy improvement, while Daimler-Chrysler endured significant loss of business seriousness and capital development after the merger. All things considered, board individuals and officials, regardless of such a high edge of bombed mergers and acquisitions, keep on searching out these open doors for an assortment of monetarily based bases, for the potential advantages accomplished with investors and partners, and as a summed up vital procedure to improve proficiency, efficiency, and social turn of events. This report analyzes the two consolidated o rganization contextual investigations and goes to an assurance with respect to why organizations keep on looking for merger and procurement openings in spite of various disappointments in this procedure. 2. The instance of Air France and KLM Air France and KLM were both profoundly effective aircraft transporters that discovered free income development in their home markets of France and the Netherlands separately. The two carriers concurred that a merger would improve their serious situation in the aircraft commercial center and could grow enduring collaborations that would at last lead to deals development and cost decrease in key divisions of tasks. The Air France and KLM merger ought to be viewed as a critical achievement in merger theory. Why would that be? In key markets, Ryanair and other minimal effort bearers were starting to grow their armadas by utilizing lean models of tasks that took into consideration cost decrease to be given to customers in the cost of lower tolls. Th is was affecting the benefit primary concern of both significant transporters which had higher overhead expenses and regulatory expenses related with work installments to keep up their expansive center systems. These ease bearers were utilizing dynamic estimating and had the option to diminish showcasing and publicizing costs; in this way, it was getting increasingly alluring to different objective market buyers (Malighetti, Paleari and Redondi, 2009). In view of administrative limitations, Air France and KLM, independently and in their host nations and markets, couldn't modify their expenses of tasks to effectively contend with Ryanair and other developing minimal effort transporters utilizing infiltration or dynamic estimating models. Together, nonetheless, it gave

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive mbaMission Is Proud to Partner with Poets Quants to Bring You Our New FREE Insiders Guides!

Blog Archive mbaMission Is Proud to Partner with Poets Quants to Bring You Our New FREE Insider’s Guides! We are proud to announce our new partnership with Poets Quants to present our new and improved FREE mbaMission Insider’s Guides. That’s right, our business schoolâ€"specific Insider’s Guides are now available for download at no cost! After more than a decade helping MBA applicants get into top business schools, we have learned what can compel an admissions committee to send that coveted letter of acceptance. Selecting the right MBA program for your needs and developing a true understanding of and familiarity with that program are crucial in crafting a successful application. We have therefore invested hundreds of hours into researching and examining the leading business schoolsâ€"including speaking with students, alumni, admissions officers, and other representativesâ€"to construct these guides, with the express goal of helping applicants like you make informed decisions about this important step in your education and career. Informed by firsthand insight from students, alumni, program representatives, and admissions officers, each guide offers detailed descriptions of the following: Defining characteristics of the school’s location, class size, curriculum, teaching methods, facilities, alumni base/involvement, and rankings Courses, experiential opportunities, faculty, and clubs related to MBAs’ most common career areas, including consulting, finance, and entrepreneurship Each admissions committee’s stance on GMAT/GRE/TOEFL scores, recommendations, the waitlist, layoffs/unemployment, and other application elements Notable professors and social/community events Poets Quants MBA Rankings along with class profile statistics and top industries for each program to better illuminate certain trends and characteristics Over the years, mbaMission has developed a wealth of free materialsâ€"including Interview Primers, MBA Admissions Guides, and MBA Career Primersâ€"to provide actionable advice for today’s business school applicants. We encourage you to download your free copy of our comprehensive guides for every school to which you plan to apply. And to obtain further advice on applying to business school, please contact us for a free 30-minute consultation. Share ThisTweet News

Monday, May 25, 2020

Same Sex Marriage During The United States - 2344 Words

Same-Sex Marriage in the United States Nora Botros Political Science 100 California State University, Fullerton The United States Constitution lists civil rights that everyone should be granted as a citizen of the United States. However, there has been a struggle over the civil rights of the LGBT community, and how the amendments of the constitution have been interpreted. This has become common especially regarding the Fourteenth Amendment. Currently, there is a large focus on the ongoing debate for legalizing or legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. This issue has become so large that there is also a controversy on whether the federal government should be involved in the decision on whether to legalize it†¦show more content†¦Although someone may be affiliated with these political parties does not necessarily mean that they all hold the same views on same-sex marriage. Liberals, like President Barack Obama, generally side with the arguments that favor same-sex marriage and believe that it should be legalized. Conservatives, on the other hand, such as President Bill Clin ton and President George W. Bush, believe that marriage should be kept the way it has always been, and generally oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage. The personal views of each president has been seen in their policies and legislations. There are several arguments as to why same-sex marriage should be legalized, which will be explored in this paper. Those who support same-sex marriage argue that allowing same-sex couples to marry will not cause any harm to â€Å"traditional† marriages and will not ruin the sanctity of marriage. Another common argument is the fact that marriage is about love and commitment. If two people of the same sex love each other and want to be committed to each other, why are they not able to get married? Denying gays the right to marry is often seen as a discrimination based on sex and a violation of civil rights, which should not be denied to anyone. Marriage is a civil right and should be granted to everyone no matter their race, gender or sexual orientation. Gay marriage supporters also believe that allowing only a man and a woman to marry

Thursday, May 14, 2020

American History Norman Keith Collins - 2119 Words

The word â€Å"tattoo† is actually the combination of words from two different cultures. The Polynesian word to strike something, â€Å"ta†, and the Tahitian word meaning to mark something, â€Å"tatau† (Designboom, 2010). The form of body art known as tattooing has developed artistically, improved technically, and changed stylistically throughout the past two centuries. Not only has the public perception changed over the years, but the methods and machinery used to create these wonderful pieces of art has also changed drastically. Once viewed as only acceptable for sailors, criminals, and circus performers; tattoos, have taken a giant leap from their humble roots. However, they couldn’t have become as popular as they have without the inspirational†¦show more content†¦During the twenty years that Hildebrandt worked at his New York tattoo shop, he tattooed some of the very first completely covered circus attractions (Eldridge, 2013a). One of those â€Å"circus attractions† was his very own daughter, Nora Hildebrandt. You would be hard pressed to find many women with tattoos during the 19th and 20th centuries, but one women pushed through the skepticism and public views to become America’s â€Å"first tattooed lady.† Nora Hildebrandt was the daughter of the first professional tattoo artist in America, Martin Hildebrant, so it figures that she would eventually follow in her father’s footsteps and develop a fascination with tattoos. Nora began showing off her tattoos in 1882 at the age of 32. Her primary mode of displaying the 365 tattoos that covered her body from neck to toe was to go on tour with Barnum Bailey Circus (Pednaud, 2014). She toured with the well-known circus throughout the 1890’s, until she was eventually out done by another tattooed woman and consequently faded into time. While Nora might have made tattooed women a grand attraction at circuses, she was just the beg inning. In 1842, Barnum Bailey Circus displayed James F. O’Connell as the first tattooed man in the United States. As part of his performance, O’Connell would tell the audience of the savages on the island of Ponape, part of the Caroline Islands, and how

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Guajilote Case Study - 3153 Words

Guajilote Case Study This essay examines the case study of the Guajilote co-operative, a co-operative with a licence to collect and sell fallen timber in the Honduras. The paper is in five sections; giving an impression of the co-operative as a business venture, conducting a SWOT analysis of the company, looking at any competitive advantage or strategy. Describing the value chain and considering strategic alternatives open to the co-operative. Solution 1. The business is certainly located in rural areas and considerations of how this may affect tribal people should be considered. The use of natural resources can be profitable but environmental considertaions such as the impact of deforestation on the global climate needs are†¦show more content†¦4. The value chain is: Site (forests) --gt; Transport (carts and river) --gt; Collection (distributors) --gt; Sale (manufacturers) --gt; Exporting (USA and Europe). 5. This companys strategic alternatives include: co-operating with Cites. Develop a sound strategy that for every tree felled, 10 new trees will be planted. Convince the government of Honduras that their natural resource needs to be protected and developed. This includes providing jobs for workers in greenhouses cultivating the seedlings. A proportion of the sale of the wood could be allocated to the development of new schools and clinics in rural Honduras. The local population, via the co-operation of village headmen, need to be educated on the importance of conserving their environment. Children need to be taught this at schools via the provision of posters and books. GUAJILOTE COOPERATIVO FORESTAL, HONDURAS Nathan Nebbe and J. David Hunger Guajilote (pronounced wa-hee-low-tay) Cooperativo Forestal was a forestry cooperative that operated out of Chaparral, a small village located in the buffer zone of La Muralla National Park in Honduras Olancho province. Olancho was one of 18 Honduran provinces and was located inland bordering Nicaragua. The cooperative was one result of a relatively new movement among international donor agencies promoting sustainable economic development of developing countries natural resources. A cooperative in Honduras was similar to a cooperative in the United

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Contemporary Issues For Management Business -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Issues For Management Business. Answer: Introduction This report considered the organization, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), which is the country's leading company for crude oil production and natural gas supply ( 2018). The government of Oman owns 60% of the PDO and the rest of the part of the organization is obtained 34% by Royal Dutch Shell, 4% by Total and 2% by Partex ( 2018). The concerned organization has 130 producing oil fields, 8,000 active wells and 14 producing gas field ( 2018). The organization employed a total of 8500 diversified workforce which comprised of people from 64 different nationalities ( 2018). PDO have to manage this large diversified workforce so that all of them can collaboratively work for obtaining the organizational objectives. Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) give equal chances to men and women based on their skills as a result, out of the 8500 employee, more than 1,000 employees are women and 4 women also get the opportunity to perform the role of member of the Ma naging Directors Committee (MDC) ( 2018). The organization also has Diversity and Inclusion (DI) team that is controlled by the Managing Directors and six members of the Managing Directors Committee that maintains the aspect of diversity in the workplace. In this business report, the strategies for managing the business ethics will be highlighted from the perspective of the considered organization that is Petroleum Development Oman (PDO). The cultural and leadership role in the company will be assessed that addressed the components of setting standard of ethical behavior, managing stakeholders relations and assessment of ethical performance. These aspects are also supported with relevant examples. Moreover, the diversity management program of the PDO will also be demonstrated followed with evaluation of basic issues of managing diversified employees. These findings of the discussion are then presented under the conclusion section which is also accompanied with recommendations for overcoming the identified issues. Discussion of business ethics management Strategies that companies utilizes for managing business ethics Carroll and Buchholtz (2014) highlighted that contemporary companies consider managing business ethics is an associated behaviors and the managers are also emphasized on standard management practices. Moreover, these organizations also develop ethics program for demonstrating the values to appropriate behaviors through codes of ethics, generate lists of ethical values, generate policies, procedures for ethics and give training to the employee on ethical behavior (Trevino and Nelson 2016). Bowie (2017) furthermore stated that organization also assesses the possible ethical dilemmas according to the business functions and avoid their occurrence of the ethical issues in the first place. In addition to that, the ethical decisions include all the stakeholders and make the decision in public so that transparency in the workplace can be maintained (Weiss 2014). Pearson (2017) portrays that management integrate their management practices with ethics management during strategic planning. Last ly, the most important aspect of the ethics management in the business is development of cross-functional teams while formulating and incorporating ethics management program (Carroll and Buchholtz 2014). Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) considers ethics management in the personal policies, safety codes and manpower development programs ( 2018). The ethical principal based on which the Omani society is founded is utilized for developing the statement of General Business Principles. Thus, the nations respect is also maintained through the organizational policies of PDO. The organization also includes shareholders, employees and business partners in the formulation of the ethical principle ( 2018). Apart from the core business practices, the organization has developed code of conduct that highlights highest standards of honesty, integrity, fairness in the aspects of people and safety, corrupt practices, safeguarding of the organizational assets and information, communication management and international trade ( 2018). Cultural and leadership role and strategy of an organization to maintain business ethics The leaders of the PDO develop legal and ethical norms with shareholders, employees and stakeholders, with whom the organization is associated to do business. Moreover, there are series of standard practices that the leaders of the PDO incorporates- Setting standards of ethical behaviors The PDO establishes some standards that highlight the ethical behavior for their organization. The ethical behavior standards include equal behavior with all the employees irrespective of their different cultural and transitional beliefs (Minnee et al. 2013). PDO also give chances to men and women in their organization ( 2018). The company also offers training and career development options to their employees and behaves well with all of them. (Matriano and Suguku 2015) highlighted that PDO officials strive for excellence and allow employees to take initiatives for implementing innovations. All the organization regulations and policies are shared with the employees and all the remaining stakeholders and in this way; transparency is maintained properly in the workplace. The concerned organization endeavors to disclose information about the activities to interested parties (Weiss 2014). PDO also takes accountability for all the actions taken by the employees ( 2018). Trevino and Nelson (2016) thus stated that in contemporary organizations leaders celebrate the success as well as the failure so the employees and provide the employee a positive feedback so that they can always be motivate for obtaining their organizational goals. Managing stakeholders relations Warner and Sullivan (2017) highlighted that in order to manage the stakeholders relations, public relations must have to be included. Bridoux and Stoelhorst (2014) however, argued that apart from the incorporation of public relations, correspondence with the government policies should also be considered. This will allow the organization to proceed with their operational functionalities in accordance to the nations obligations. The Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) deals with the energy supply and have its 60% the stake owned by the Government of Oman considered public relations and correspondence with the government policies for ensuring the corporation with key requirements of the relationship with stakeholders (Weiss 2014). Taken for instance, PDO also considers stakeholder engagement plan that includes the MDC and Functional Directors. These functioning bodies rank the stakeholders according to their priority in the business like government, shareholders, suppliers and contactors and community people (Garbie 2016). The prioritized lists allow the PDO to formulate the engagement plan. Image 1: Stakeholder Engagement management (Source: Bridoux and Stoelhorst 2014) Assessing ethical performance The PDO evaluates the ethical performance of the employees and the management through their individual performance and group performance (Gyrd-Jones and Kornum 2013). Crane and Matten (2016) stated that the performance of the person is also classified into two aspects- legally mandated and discretionary. PDO is an organization that deals with the oil and gas and energy supply to the users, the organization also measure the ethical performance of the organization by keeping track of the lost numberof workdays due to fatalities. The measurement also includes the behavior of the employee towards each other along with measuring the number of employee bullying, voluntary turnover and internal complaints (Weiss 2014). Discussion of diversity management program Diversity management program Harvey and Allard (2015) stated that the variety of differences between people working in the same organization is known as workplace diversity. Moreover, strategy of using best practices so that people from diverse culture and tradition intends to work for a single organization is referred to as diversity management. The diversity management program in the PDO is maintained by Diversity and Inclusion team (Madera 2013). The diversity management team of the organization also has women in the committee. Their diversity management in the organization involves considering the diversity management as a critical business activity, valuing the braid range of the cultural and personal differences among the people, respecting each employee, provision of equal opportunity, offering a trustful base that allow the employees to share their concern without any hesitation and demonstrating fairness and respect in the interaction with the external stakeholders (Cole and Salimath 2013). The statistics shows that the Omanisation rate is 77% and out of 8789 employees, 6772 are the Oman employees and the rest of the 2017 employees, belongs from other culture ( 2018). The report also represents that out of total 935 women employees, 98 are from other nations and remaining 837 employees are Omani ( 2018). In addition to that, the women are also offers with management roles and this can be witnessed through the fact that 4 Omani is have been included on 15 member committee of Managing Director ( 2018). Image 2: People and staff management in PDO (Source: 2018) Issues in managing employee diversity There are series of diversity management issues in contemporary organizations like- resistance of the diversity management, poor communication among the employee due to difference in language, lack of employee involvements, language and cultural differences and high rates of employee bullying (Madera 2013). Crane and Matten (2016) stated that Oman on signing the treaty of WTO, all the residing business willingly and unwillingly become flatter, flexible and diverse and formulated into a manpower pool with mixtures of vivid religion, religion, races, races cultures and origins. This resulted in the poor incorporation of perfect diversity in the Omani workplace. In case of PSO, there are involvement of the women officials in management designation and people from other culture as the member of the organization but this involvement is very less in number. These women are not allowed to take sole decisions for the business and have to share their concern with the male officials which on getting approved by the senior officials gets valued (Crane and Matten 2016). Thus, it can be stated that women remain extremely underrepresented when considering the senior roles in Omani organizations. Another issue is that the business operations are operated in a global context; however, the number of member allocated for the operation is lesser from other religion and PDO intends to recruit people from Oman (Minnee et al. 2013). This issue raises the lack of understanding of the host nations business requirement and approaches as the Omani employee takes time to assess the situations (Minnee et al. 2013). This non- inclusion of the non native people also delays in business operations and poor business deals in the host country. Garbie (2016) furthermore highlight the issue of poor communication among the employees in the organization while managing the diversity. In PDO also people from Oman have strong national identity that makes them to remain more connected with the Arab culture and Islamic roots. This rises to the issues of lack of establishing the interpersonal relationship among the employees and the likeliness of cases of employee bullying gets higher. Moreover, the organization follows the code of conduct for sharing almost all the information related to the organization. However, Rajasekar and Khan (2013) stated that in most of the Oman organization, the policies and legislations are published in their native language and English. Rajasekar and Khan (2013) furthermore suggested that this creates a problem for the employees, who are not able to read these languages and hence cannot enhance their knowledge based regarding the companys operations. Moreover, since the majority of the employees are from Oman, in the formal meeting also sometimes they talk in their native language, which is also a reason that the employees from other culture do not participate in the meetings or some important decision- making sessions. This aspect resulted in poor relationship among people from Oman and other culture. Belwal and Belwal (2014) stated that the non- native people do not understand whether or not they have been bullied or appreciated from their colleagues as they are unable to understand their language. Another issue that is raised while managing the workplace diversity is the disagreement of the employee with the officials and sometimes it invites the stage of employee strike, poor productivity and turnover of the employee from diverse culture and race religion. Conclusion Thus, it can be stated that PDO obtain strategies for managing business ethics and emphasized on standard management practices. The practices involve development of ethics program, assessing possible ethical dilemmas, including all the stakeholders in ethical decisions and integrating their management practices with ethics management. It is also found that PDO considers ethics management in the personal policies, safety codes, manpower development programs, highest standards of honesty, integrity, fairness in the aspects of people and safety, corrupt practices, safeguarding of the organizational assets and information and communication management and international trade. Moreover, setting standards for ethical behaviors, managing stakeholders relations, evaluating the ethical performance through their individual performance and group performance, keeping track of the lost number of workdays due to fatalities and measuring the number of employee bullying, voluntary turnover and intern al complaints are some of the aspects for managing business ethics. Moreover, for diversity management program, it has been found that out of total 935 women employees, 837 employees are Omani and the total Omanisation rate is 77%. It is also found that only 4 Omani is having been included on 15 member committee of Managing Director. Thus it can be stated that, the number of people from other nation, diverse culture and religion are less in number and this rises to the issue of poor communication, poor development of interpersonal relations, more number of employee bullying and high rate of employee turnover. Recommendations Formulate a more diverse management team It is a fact that if management team belongs to same nation, the regulations they will formulate can be biased. Thus, rather including female from same nation as the member of the managing directors, it is more effective to include people from diverse culture and religion in the management team. Developing organizational policies in all languages There are some employees, who face difficulty in communicating with people from other race and origin. The effect of the problem is more if the people are in other nation as they hesitate to share their difficulty and concern regarding language barrier. Thus, the organization need to publish all their booklets of organization policies and letters in all possible languages so that people from the concerned area can easily understand and implement the same in obtaining the work goal collaboratively. Set reward to follow all the ethical consideration People tend to follow instructions willingly if they have some personal benefits. Thus, set rewards like monetary facility, effective recognition in the workplace can motivate the employee to follow all the ethical regulations and treat equally with all the members of the organization. Reference Belwal, S. and Belwal, R., 2014. Work-life balance, family-friendly policies and quality of work life issues: studying employers' perspectives of working women in Oman.Journal of International Women's Studies,15(1), p.96. Bowie, N.E., 2017.Business ethics: A Kantian perspective. Cambridge University Press. Bridoux, F. and Stoelhorst, J.W., 2014. Microfoundations for stakeholder theory: Managing stakeholders with heterogeneous motives.Strategic Management Journal,35(1), pp.107-125. Carroll, A. and Buchholtz, A., 2014.Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education. Cole, B.M. and Salimath, M.S., 2013. 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Entrepreneurship Growth in Oman: Position, Prospects and Growth of Entrepreneural Education.IJAEDU-International E-Journal of Advances in Education,1(2), pp.127-131. Minnee, F., Shanka, T., Taylor, R. and Handley, B., 2013. Exploring corporate responsibility in Omansocial expectations and practice.Social Responsibility Journal,9(2), pp.326-339., 2018. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Apr. 2018]., 2018.About PDO. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Apr. 2018]. Pearson, R., 2017. Business ethics as communication ethics: Public relations practice and the idea of dialogue. InPublic relations theory(pp. 111-131). Routledge. Rajasekar, J. and Khan, S.A., 2013. Training and development function in Omani public sector organizations: A critical evaluation.The Journal of Applied Business and Economics,14(2), p.37. Trevino, L.K. and Nelson, K.A., 2016.Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley Sons. Warner, M. and Sullivan, R. eds., 2017.Putting partnerships to work: Strategic alliances for development between government, the private sector and civil society. Routledge. Weiss, J.W., 2014.Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.